Quality DesignWorks Blog

Now that the holidays are over and we are well into the New Year, you may be thinking of taking on some new renovation ideas in your home. As a designer, I like to look back through the years at trends that are still making my clients smile.

What are you — Are you a gray person or a beige person? As a home remodel designer, the first thing I like to determine with my clients is whether they prefer gray or beige. This doesn’t mean we aren’t going to use color, but our design needs a starting point or backdrop to guide our design. Most clients tend to lean one way or the other based on their style of home, other colors they may have picked out, etc. Whichever tone is most popular at the time — and there is always one that is trendier — shouldn’t determine your selection. Both gray and beige are timeless colors and will stand the test of time.

If you have never participated in a renovation, it can be extremely overwhelming if you do not know what to expect. Remodeling can be very time and life consuming. However, if you choose the right design firm and contractor, remodeling can be very painless and also very enjoyable, especially if you know what to expect.

More and more, homeowners are choosing to remodel their current home rather than building or moving somewhere else. While we applaud those homeowners who aren’t ready to give up on their current living space, there are many people out there with horror stories of spending beyond their budgets by nearly 50 percent! Even contractors will tell you that it is hard to give an exact price for a job because there are so many unforeseen situations and circumstances; however, sticking to a budget is possible if you are realistic in your pricing and committed to making some tough decisions.

The idea of remodeling can be a very scary process for a homeowner. It can become overwhelming with all of the decisions, options and choices that you as the homeowner will need to make. The first step towards accomplishing your home remodeling goals is choosing the right contractor for you.

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The inspiration for your home remodel may come from anywhere. Look through past renovations and design-build transformations by Quality DesignWorks — and maybe spark a few ideas for your next project!

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